The 10 Questions That Will ACTUALLY Help You Adapt To Climate Change
The internet is full of good and useful (and some utterly idiotic) advice about preparing for major weather events and infrastructure failures. Often, these are aimed at people who think things have not yet hit the fan, but will, and probably in some big obvious way that will announce itself, like an earthquake with a marquee reading THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.
As we well know, the world is always ending somewhere: Seattle has a fire season now, Texas’s grid is standing on broken ankles, heat waves across India and Pakistan are predicted to kill people in numbers that would horrify us in war. The changes are happening, and while my corner of the world is having a mild and gorgeous spring, we’re still in a pandemic, and our turn will be up sooner rather than later in this particularly awful roulette.
You can find lists of equipment and ideas for rations everywhere. You may not like the company you’re in when you find them, but unless they’re suggesting you stockpile weapons or fill your basement with canned beans while forgetting to mention a can opener, they’re generally good starts.
You can do a lot of this kind of preparation by yourself; it doesn’t take a lot of…